9. Submitting farm profiles
This article touches upon the following topics:
When is your profile complete?
Submitting your profile
What happens after submission?
When is your profile complete?
Once you have filled in all data, go over the data once more to check if you have indeed gathered everything correctly.
If no data is missing the profile will indicate the status "ready".
Submitting farmer profiles
Once all data is collected and accurate, the profile can be submitted. Watch the video to find out how or follow the steps below. Be aware that plots with overlap can still be submitted if the data collector believes the other plot is incorrectly placed. This ensures that the data collector has collected the information honestly according to the given details.
1. Go to the top of the profile and click the submit button.
2. The farmer will move from the "In Progress" column to the "Submitted" column. The data is now in the hands of the local partner and can no longer be edited in the DCT app.
What happens after submission?
After submission, your local partner will check the data. If everything is correct they will continue the onboarding of the farmer.
If data still needs to be changed, the farm will be sent to recollection. They can be sent back to the original data collector, or to a different one. If a profile has been assigned to you, and it is unclear what needs to be edited, contact your local partner to discuss the recollection.