Collecting data with the DCT app
This is to help you collect data with the DCT app.
Topics in this article:
How to use the DCT app (with step-by-step guides)
How to gather high-quality plots
How to deal with satellite inaccuracy
For details on what you need to know before collecting data, please refer to this article.
How to use the DCT app
Using the DCT app, a data collector will collect a farmer's personal details, plot information, and agreements to join Acorn. For a more detailed guide, click on the links below:
How to gather high-quality plots
For a plot to be used by Acorn, it must meet high quality standards. If a plot's quality needs improvement after data collection, the data collector will have to revisit the farmer to re-track the plot. The DCT app is designed to help you collect high-quality data on the first visit, minimizing the need for additional trips. However, proper preparation is still essential for a successful data collection experience. Here are some tips to enhance the accuracy of the plots you collect:
Make sure you have enough free storage space on your device
Data collection will require storage space on your device. To prevent issues in the field, make sure you have at least 500 MB of free space. You can check your available storage by going to your phone’s settings app and searching for "storage".
If you need to free up space, consider deleting unwanted photos, videos, apps, files, and messages.
Charge your phone to 100% before departure
If your battery dies during data collection, you will need to revisit the same farmer in the future to collect the missing data. To prevent this, ensure your phone is fully charged before you leave.
Bring a battery bank and charger
Power outlets might not be available in the field, so it's highly recommended to bring at least one, but preferably several battery banks and chargers. This ensures your phone stays powered during data collection.
Bring at least two paper copies of the Participant Agreement per farmer
In the Data Collection Tool, the Participant Agreement can be collected on paper or on paper with photos. If collecting on paper, you will need two copies—one for the farmer and one for your local partner. If using the paper with photos method, only one copy is needed for the farmer, as the local partner will receive the digital copy via the Data Collection Tool. It's advisable to bring two paper copies, even if you plan to use the photo method, to avoid potential storage issues in the field.
Always use auto-tracking
Auto-tracking increases plot accuracy and reduces the chances of overlap and the need for recollection. However, auto-tracking can be temporarily turned off for manual tracking in specific situations:
When crossing or walking around a river, road, or bridge that isn't part of the plot.
When collecting a plot that shares a border with another plot, to avoid overlapping markers.
If you decide to use manual tracking for the entire plot, drop many markers to avoid plot warnings. Please discuss with your Local Partner before choosing to use manual tracking for an entire plot.
Download an offline map one hour or less before leaving
Download an offline map one hour or less before you leave to ensure you have the most up-to-date version. Offline maps include plots collected in a specific area. By downloading the latest map, you can avoid overlapping or collecting a plot that has already been recorded by a colleague.
Engage with the farmer
Before collecting any farmer data, make sure that the farmer fully understands the Acorn project.
Before asking a farmer to sign the Participant Agreement and the Data Sharing Consent, make sure the farmer fully understands everything that is described in these documents.
Fill in all information together with the farmer, and ask the farmer to show exactly where the boundaries of their plot are.
How to deal with satellite inaccuracy
Sometimes, the location displayed on the map does not match the actual location of the data collector. This can lead to inaccurate measurements or accidental overlap of plots during data collection. When GPS accuracy is low, it's important to calibrate your GPS. Here’s how to do this using the Google Maps app:
Restart Your Phone
Make sure the Acorn DCT app has access to your precise location
Open the Google Maps app
Calibrate Your GPS
Tap on the blue dot indicating your location.
Select ‘Calibrate’ from the options.
Move your phone several times in a figure-eight shape until the GPS accuracy improves. Follow the steps described by Google Maps.
Additionally, some Android devices have a 'high accuracy' mode that can be enabled in the settings. This mode can further enhance the accuracy of your plots.