

Turning the zero-sum game of climate change into a win-win situation: co-benefits for a co-future

More biodiversity

Purposefully increasing biomass is essential to continue afforestation, and to prevent (further) desertification. Variety is more than the spice of life: it's the prerequisite of it. Different plants attract and nurture different wildlife, from friendly pollinators to endangered species. Our ecosystem evolved to be rich, and thrives through differentiation. That's as true for acacias and mango trees as it is for wheat and maize. It’s just one of the ways Acorn contributes to a variety of the Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) defined by the United Nations, with every project.

Improved soil quality

Fostering biodiversity and nurturing plant life that supports crops rather than compete with them: when you combine local expertise with hard work and dedication, even the ground itself gets better. A variety of plants ensures a variety of nutrients in the soil and prevents soil erosion and exhaustion. Which in turn leads to healthier crops and, eventually, bigger crop yields.

Farmers in charge

Smallholder farmers are often disenfranchised in the global marketplace. They might not always own their land, sometimes need to rely on family labor, can lack legislative protection, and are more vulnerable to unforeseen changes and increasingly harsh weather conditions. That's why we want to hand them the reins. To take lasting and indisputable action against climate change. To grow their business without risking their family's livelihoods. To be in control, like every farmer since the very beginning. And to secure additional income through access to the carbon credit market—something Acorn makes possible for smallholder farmers specifically. All while we ensure that at least 80% of the money Acorn makes by selling CRUs flows back to the farmer.

Good begets great

By providing financial incentives to farmers, we make agroforestry less of a risk for farmers who can't gamble with their bread and butter. But that monetary boost ripples out even further. More disposable income makes it possible for smallholder farmers to engage with sustainability in other ways, too: more efficient irrigation, solar power, more independence from fossil fuels. But it also frees up time, which can be spent on education, community improvement, and so on. It goes further than preserving our planet: it's about making it worth living on.

Everyone co-benefits

Our mission is to empower smallholder farmers. Helping your organization to reach its CO2 targets is a way for us to do that. That's what we mean when we talk about co-benefits: both your company and the farmers supplying your carbon credits are better off.

Smallholder farmers

  • receive 80% of the sale price of each CRU, improving their livelihoods and financial independence;

  • have access to additional food and revenue because of the trees' produce;

  • ensure their land is more resilient to the effects of climate change (such as floods);

  • reap the benefits of restored soil health and increased biodiversity.

The Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) are a collection of 17 goals defined by the United Nations that together lead the way to a better, more sustainable future for our planet and everyone on it. By buying Acorn CRUs, you're contributing to: 1 — No poverty; 2 — Zero hunger; 6 — Clean water and sanitation; 8 — Decent work and economic growth; 9 — Industry, innovation, and infrastructure; 13 — Climate action; 15 — Life on land; and 17 — Partnerships for the goals

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