
Partnering through tech

We rely on local partners for ground truthing. So we made it easy for them.

Join as partner

Our local partners face a myriad of challenges in their daily work, from operating in remote areas to handling tedious administrative tasks. Yet, their contributions are invaluable to us.

That’s why we’re committed to supporting them in every way possible. Our multi-platform technology does just that. By streamlining processes, digitizing workflows and much more, we empower our partners to focus on their core activities and drive meaningful change.

  • On-site data collection via our app
  • Automated evaluation via our advanced calculation models
  • A clear overview via our partner portal with measurements, calculations and progress
Empowering our partners

Collect data

Forget about clipboards, forms, and paper maps.

Real time collecting with visual feedback

Tracking a plot while you move gives you instant feedback — in case you're overlapping an existing plot, for example.

Offline-available satellite maps and data

Download the maps and data you need, and then have access to them wherever — even in the field.

Sync directly to the local partners platform

No complicated input procedures: just a straightforward syncing process.

Validate and collaborate

Track, then verify.

Remote supervision from local partner

Supervise and coordinate field workers during live data collection.

Track progress

Have a clear overview of data that has been collected — and what's still missing.

Verify and validate captured data

Once complete, easily check if the data is a correct representation of reality.


Draw biome conclusions.

Automatic deforestation checks

Each plot's deforestation is automatically calculated based on historic satellite imagery.

Automatic biomass measurements

Once planted, tree (and biomass) growth is measured automatically as well.

Gain geographic insights

Additional information (on climate, soil, and so on) helps inform decisions.

Get ready to start

Time to harvest.

Certified Carbon Removal Units

Once enough carbon has been sequestered in biomass, Plan Vivo completes and certifies the necessary information for each CRU.

Selling process

Acorn ensures CRUs are sold to responsible corporates. The local partners don't have to worry about this part of the process.

Keep track of payments

Via the local partner portal, local partners can keep track of all payments that have been issued to smallholders — and to themselves.


Our multi-platform technology makes collaborating with Acorn highly effective and reliable.
With local partners benefiting from more insights, more quickly, and more accurately.

More insights
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