Do you have a problem that needs solving?
Are you a part of the Acorn program with an unsolved problem? Contact us.
Do you have a problem that hasn't been solved yet?
Is your local organization unable or unwilling to solve the problem?
Then you can contact Acorn about your problem.
Do you have a problem?
Are you a participant of the Acorn program, or are affected by the Acorn program? Do you have a problem, issue, complaint, or concern? Your local organization can usually help you solve your problem.
But sometimes, that's not possible. For example:
Your local organization tried, but didn't solve your problem (completely).
Your local organization doesn't respond to your problem.
You don't know how to contact your local organization.
You don't trust your local organization.
Your complaint is about your local organization.
In those cases, you can contact Acorn.
You can either email us (information below).
Or send us an SMS at 003197008101071 (international SMS costs apply).
We will look into your problem and let you know what will happen next.
Do you want to let Acorn know about your problem?
Copy the questions below in an email.
Answer the questions (you can write your answers in your language).
Send your answers to acorn.complaints@rabobank.com.
Please let us know if you don't understand any of the questions.
Name: (Your full name, but tell us if you want your complaint to remain anonymous)
Village or region: (Where your farm is)
Local organization: (The organization that connects you and Acorn)
Did you already talk to your local organization about the problem? (Yes / No)
What is your problem? (Be as detailed as you can)
When did you first have this problem? (Be as precise as you can)
What has already been done to solve your problem? (If nothing has been done, please write ‘nothing’)
What can be done to help solve your problem? (Include your ideas for solutions, if you have any)
How can we contact you about your problem? (Add your phone number, email address, or other contact information)
Is there anything else you want to share with us?