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Mbinga District, Tanzania, Tanzania

Tanzania - HRNS

The Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS) has been active in Tanzania in 2006, and is now looking to empower coffee and cashew nut farmers in the region — with Acorn’s assistance.

Project data


farmers supported

0 t

CO2 captured

1,970 ha

land covered


CRUs issued


By working together with 11 AMCOS (Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Societies), the Hanns R. Neuman Stiftung (HRNS) aims to support smallholder farmers in Southern Tanzania. HRNS has been active in the region since 2006, although this project is their first one in the Mbinga district.

HRNS field staff conducted interviews with smallholder farmers to gather their views on agroforestry systems and ensure their thoughts were incorporated into the project design. Stakeholders from the Tanzania Coffee Board, the Tanzania Coffee Research Institute, other NGOs in the project area, and coffee millers and traders were also involved.

By providing access to planting materials (such as seedlings), knowledge (through farmer field schools), and group trainers in a variety of fields, the goal is to help entire households who are members of coffee farming communities and coffee cooperatives — through improved food security, increased income, clean cooking stoves, and climate resilience.

Full project documentation available upon request.

Project photos


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