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Rift Valley & Lower Eastern Region, Kenya

Kenya - Cereal Growers Association (CGA)

The Cereal Growers Association (CGA) is helping smallholder farmers in Rift Valley region and the Lower Eastern regions to restore land and boost resilience. By introducing agroforestry, the project aims to improve productivity, enhance biodiversity, and support sustainable livelihoods.

Project data


farmers supported

0 t

CO2 captured

11,772 ha

land covered


CRUs issued


Many counties in Kenya face persistent challenges due to erratic rainfall, frequent droughts, and environmental degradation. Smallholder farmers in these areas depend primarily on agriculture, which is increasingly threatened by the impacts of climate change, such as declining soil fertility and limited access to support services and markets. This has led to low agricultural productivity, heightened food insecurity, and growing poverty.

In recent years, the tree cover in these counties has diminished due to prolonged droughts, deforestation, and the conversion of land for agriculture. Population pressure, forest fires, and other human activities have further exacerbated the environmental strain. With climate change intensifying these challenges, large-scale afforestation efforts are critical to restoring ecosystems and enhancing agricultural sustainability.

To tackle these issues, the Cereal Growers Association (CGA) has been implementing the "Regenerative Agriculture" project in 10 counties in the Rift Valley Region, as well as in 2 counties in the Lower Eastern regions. All counties, promoting sustainable farming practices. Under the Acorn project, agroforestry practices will be introduced, integrating trees into farming systems to restore biodiversity and improve resilience.

Full project documentation available upon request.

Project photos


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