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Kolar District, Karnataka, India, India

India - NABCONS Karnataka

In the Kolar district in the state of Karnataka, south-west India, NABCONS has been active for 19 years, providing consultancy in the areas of agriculture, livelihood, socio-economic development, climate change and others — now, they’re partnering with Acorn.

Project data


farmers supported

0 t

CO2 captured

2,076 ha

land covered


CRUs issued


NABCONS is a consultancy-focused subsidiary of NABARD, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development — a direct finance institution promoted by the Government of India. This organization has been providing consultancy services in India for the past 19 years and is now partnering with Acorn, India’s Department of Horticulture, and a variety of NGOs to empower smallholder farmers to adopt agroforestry and access the voluntary carbon market.

A real team effort (with the Department of Horticulture identifying eligible farmers and engaging with them, NGOs carrying out field surveys and collecting data, and NABCONS representatives monitoring, training, and reporting on activities), this project involves many kinds of agroforestry designs, among which: mango and teak, guava and vegetables, and pomegranate, mahogany, plus silver oak.

Farmers currently face low productivity as a consequence of low soil fertility and poor water availability, as well as conflicts with wildlife which damage the plantation, resulting in low seedling survival rates. Farmers usually live above the poverty line, but have no financial stability and are hardly able to invest in their land.

Long-lived and sustainable agroforestry systems aim to improve this by mitigating the impact of climate change, strengthening smallholder farmers’ income, and improving their quality of life.

Full project documentation available upon request.

Project photos


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