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Colombia, Colombia

Colombia - Solidaridad Latin America (Cocoa)

Cocoa plantations with shade trees and medicinal trees, supporting farmers, flora, and fauna alike. Solidaridad and Acorn helped to make it happen.

Project data


farmers supported

3,680 t

CO2 captured

33,496 ha

land covered


CRUs issued


This Plan Vivo-certified project run by Solidaridad in Colombia is helping numerous smallholder cocoa farmers in Colombia who have recently begun the transition to agroforestry but do not have the necessary technical skills, resources and finances to do so successfully. With Solidaridad and Acorn's assistance, they can continue their efforts and achieve an optimal agroforestry system to be maintained long-term.

The following activities took place: selection of the trees (according to traditional knowledge and farmer desires), training sessions by lead farmers for their local community, setting up nurseries, pruning shade trees by using machinery (under bailment contracts), pest control activities, etc. This project involves existing agroforestry and was designed before the involvement of Acorn.

By planting native shade and medicinal trees in their cocoa plantations, farmers improve soil quality, create a better micro-climate, increase the number of pollinators, increase the carbon storage on farms, increase total farm productivity and income, and enhance their livelihoods.

Participants live below the poverty line and struggle financially with an average income between 3000 and 4000 USD a year. Their financial state continues to worsen over time due to the negative impact climate change has on farm productivity and income. That’s why the project aims to realize improved food security due to the expected increases in productivity, cocoa yields, and income diversification (carbon credits), that help farmers to afford a variety of nutritious food.

Solidaridad continues to provide farmers with agroforestry training and advice, planting resources, and free transportation to visit and witness successful agroforestry systems. The carbon credits that farmers will receive will allow them to afford the necessary materials needed for the long-term maintenance of their agroforestry system, while the planting of diverse shade and fruit trees among cocoa crops will provide a suitable habitat for local species and pollinators.

Full project documentation available upon request.

Project photos


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