Central Highlands and Northwest Vietnam, Vietnam
Vietnam - Rainforest Alliance
Project data
farmers supported
0 t
CO2 captured
2,601 ha
land covered
CRUs issued
The Rainforest Alliance and Acorn will support thousands of Vietnamese coffee smallholder farmers in moving toward more sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices. The Rainforest Alliance is known for its green frog seal, seen on products like chocolate, tea, coffee, nuts, and tropical fruits; these products come from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms that use practices designed to support social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
The partnership initially kicked off with two Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee businesses, Vĩnh Hiệp and Tín Thành Đạt, working with approximately 1,500 coffee farmers in the Central Highlands region. Acorn and the Rainforest Alliance will partner with these businesses and farmers to implement regenerative coffee farming practices that can increase their plots’ resilience, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration capabilities.
In 2025, the project plans to scale to other commodities, such as pepper and tea, and expand to the Northwest Vietnam region. The project aims to reach at least 70,000 farmers in the next few years.
More about the Rainforest Alliance.
Taking his learnings from the field, Thiet Nguyen (Director of the Rainforest Alliance Vietnam) sits down with Cathy Tran (Acorn's Asia Partnership Manager) to shares the challenges and opportunities of implementing agroforestry with Vietnam smallholder coffee farmers.