Get down to earth
As part of the Rabobank, our roots are firmly planted in fertile soil. Agriculture is our area of expertise, supporting farmers our commitment. That's why we partner with project coordinators, NGOs, and cooperatives or companies working directly with smallholder farmers around the world. We reach out to those farmers most impacted by climate change, and empower them to transition to climate-smart and carbon-capturing agroforestry.
Explore our approach: this animation illustrates our process in a nutshell.

Open to all
By measuring and certifying the sequestered carbon in a low-cost manner, we enable smallholders to access the voluntary carbon market. We empower them to generate an additional income stream by compensating them for sequestering additional carbon on their plots of land. Through support and financial incentives, we point them towards agroforestry. The trees they plant on their farmland capture excess carbon in the atmosphere.
Plant a seed
Agroforestry is nothing new. Planting trees to support soil quality and crop yield is something we've done for centuries. Trees grow deep roots that retain soil, produce nutrients for other plants, and attract friendly pollinators. They provide shade, protection, and other environmental benefits. They even provide new produce (such as mangos, cashews, or avocados).

Local agroforestry expertise
Still, depending on geographic location, the requirements for successful agroforestry vary wildly. For that reason, we work with local experts. It's an investment in our collective environment. But it's also an investment in farming communities in developing countries.
Nurture growth
We're dedicated to smallholder farmers, who generally have fewer resources than large-scale commercial farms. They're also more vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, like the ones caused by the climate crisis. Clearly, it's time to level the plowing field.

Mutual benefit
We work closely with local project coordinators who provide support, training, and monitoring to smallholder farmers transitioning to agroforestry. In doing so, we empower smallholder farmers to turn the tide of climate change. For their benefit, but for ours, too. Because what we do effects real change elsewhere—and vice versa.
Focus on removal
Once the trees between the crops have grown and captured enough carbon from the atmosphere, we issue carbon removal units (or CRUs). By focusing on removals, rather than other available carbon credits (avoidance or reduction), we ensure our credits are of the highest quality, reliability, and transparency.
Fair farmer payments
The best part is this: 80% of the sales price flows back to the farmer, 10% goes to local partners and 10% is for Acorn. Always. Our system already creates an extra stream of income for thousands of smallholder farmers in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. It also drives land restoration, food security, and social development. And it provides reliable means for education and equality.
Reap the benefits
When farmers practice agroforestry on their land, the benefits spread far and wide. Crops are better protected from the elements, diversifying yield and income after an initial investment. (A mango tree needs to grow before it produces mangos, after all.) But trees have more benefits: soil retention makes communities less vulnerable to natural disasters.
From good to better
Then there are the financial benefits, which trickle down to all areas of life. That's what we refer to as co-benefits, which overlap nicely with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. Read more about that here.
Success stories so far
See it for yourself
We meticulously document where our CRUs come from and where they're going. Our tools enable us to verify that the biomass they represent is still present. And that data is available to all: everyone can check the details of individual CRUs, farmers, and plots of land. Transparency is a two-way street, after all.
Have a look yourself, or view all plots of the project here.
Visit Rosa's farm

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