Local Partners
Farmer Stories
As our partnership manager for Asia, Marta Radinovic Lukic visited India — meeting with our local partners and smallholder farmers we’re supporting in the region. In this blog, she relays her experiences.
After extensive planting in Kenya, it was finally time for harvesting. In other words: celebrating the first payout for smallholder farmers, facilitated by our local partners Trees for Kenya and Farm Africa. Our account manager Margreet and trainee Anne witnessed this wonderful moment of celebration in the town of Embu.
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Local Partners
Farmer Stories
As our partnership manager for Asia, Marta Radinovic Lukic visited India — meeting with our local partners and smallholder farmers we’re supporting in the region. In this blog, she relays her experiences.
Local Partners
Farmer Stories
In Kagera, an administrative region in north-west Tanzania, our local partner Kaderes is making sure farmers get paid fairly for their Acorn efforts — not just when it comes to how much, but also when it comes to how.
Farmer Stories
Acorn Updates
Kyrgyzstan, like many nations relying on agriculture, has been impacted by climate change in various ways. Together with AFoCO, Acorn is determined to turn the tide for this beautiful country. Read on.
Farmer Stories
Kyle Nielsen, our innovation consultant, shares how important Acorn’s local partners are — on an operational scale, and a more personal one.
South America
Acorn Updates
Farmer Stories
Latin America and its rich agricultural climate (and many smallholder farmers) is a region Acorn has focused on since the beginning. In this travelogue, our account manager Paola López details her latest experiences.
South America
Farmer Stories
As we continue to empower smallholder farmers, more and more communities are harvesting the fruits of their labor — like in Popayan, Colombia.
Farmer Stories
South America
Local Partners
Asómbrate: a Spanish word that means "be amazed" and "shade [something]", and the name of the new agroforestry platform developed by Solidaridad. What better way to celebrate than with a catchy agroforestry tune?
Farmer Stories
What challenges do enumerators face when collecting ground truth in difficult terrain? Kyle shares the realities of ground truthing in Kenya, as he accompanied Francis Warui, project manager for the Akvo Foundation.
Acorn Updates
Farmer Stories
Local Partners
Last month, Acorn’s Margreet Muizebelt happened to be in Mbale to meet with our partner Solidaridad. Perfect timing, as Solidaridad ECA (East and Central Africa) was organizing a celebratory payment ceremony in the Mount Elgon region between Kenya and Uganda.