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Karagwe & Kyerwa, Tanzania

Tanzania - Kaderes

In Tanzania, smallholder coffee farmers are overcoming low productivity and crop loss because of climate change — thanks to agroforestry.

Project data


farmers supported

58,417 t

CO2 captured

52,884 ha

land covered


CRUs issued


This Plan Vivo-certified project supports smallholder coffee farmers in the Karagwe and Kyerwa districts to overcome low productivity and crop loss from climate change by transitioning from cultivated land to agroforestry. Farmers are rewarded for the sustainable changes in their farming practices with increased crop yield, food security, and income diversification. In addition to these livelihood benefits, the environment also thrives under such an agroforestry system, resulting in healthier soils and enhanced biodiversity.

  • Project ADD summary PDF (version July 2022)

The project is run by Kaderes, a non-governmental organization established in 1997 with extensive experience in such projects. Kaderes does not work with a fixed number of smallholder farmers, but assists a constantly growing and expanding network. Its mission is to empower members and communities to contribute to sustainable land use and environmental conservation by focusing on the scaling of their agroforestry project.

The project is located in one of the poorest regions in Tanzania, with a UNDP Human Development Indicator of 0.529. Most of the inhabitants are smallholder farmers and are living on less than $1 a day. They have no access to pre-financing, loans or saving mechanisms, let alone the carbon market. These farmers couldn’t have accessed affordable financing to make the shift to agroforestry without the financial and technical support provided by Kaderes. However, to ensure a durable shift towards agroforestry, the additional income stream coming from carbon credits is imperative.

As there are many eligible farmers and much eligible farmland present in the project region, this is just the beginning of the durable impact this project will be making on the environment and on its participants.

Full project documentation available upon request.

Project photos


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