What happens after enrollment
This article discusses the following topics:
Deforestation check
How CRUs are generated
Deforestation check
To join the Acorn program, a farmer must meet certain criteria. After their data is collected and enrolled, several checks are performed to see if they qualify. One of these checks is the T-5 check, which makes sure that no deforestation happened on the farmer’s plot in the last five years. If deforestation is found, the farmer must give a reason if they still want to join the Acorn program. Based on this reason, a decision will be made on whether the farmer can continue with the program.
The T-5 check happens automatically after a farmer's profile is enrolled. If deforestation is found on a plot in your project, it will show up in the ‘Deforestation’ tab in the ‘Data Management’ section of the LP portal.
A farmer can respond to a deforestation claim through you, their Local Partner. Please contact the farmer to understand the reason of deforestation and collect any relevant documents if needed. Follow these 3 steps to submit the farmers response:
1. Go to the 'Deforestation' section in the Local Partner Portal.
2. Select the relevant deforestation case.
3. Choose to either accept or deny the observed deforestation.
If denying, provide an explanation. You can include text and upload supporting documents like PDFs or images (JPGs). The certifier team will then review the response.
How CRUs are generated
After enrollment and the deforestation check, a farm can start generating Carbon Removal Units (CRUs). You can track these in the LP portal.
CRUs are generated from biomass increase on the farmer's plot, which we measure with Remote Sensing Technology. Details about the process and certification are explained in the Acorn methodology, which is available to the public.